sábado, 21 de noviembre de 2009


Roman numbers
run aground
half shipwrecked
rusty vessel
of my heart


Birds out of reach
They look into the future
from the top of
the abandoned metal T

T for time
that relentlessly
passes over us

Don Quixote

Round giants,
metallic don Quixotes,
challenge financial windmills,
with little hope of victory

Their lonely struggle
from the opposite side of the river,
looks admirably impossible
from the shadow of my mind


From you to me
from me to you
fragmented pieces
don't completely fit in

Uneven sides
uneven endings
might clash
may hurt each other

Sterilized theories
recommend to keep them
wisely apart

miércoles, 18 de noviembre de 2009

Slumdog Millionaire

Rotten railway
does not drive me
to your bed
does not drive me
to your thoughts
does not drive me
to your heart
The picture above your head
when you sleep
when you wake up
when you fuck
when you make love
and when love makes you

lunes, 16 de noviembre de 2009


Useless car
falls apart
in the solitude
of the patched lawn

Unexperienced drivers
had a go, but crashed
against the graffitted wall
of false illusions

domingo, 15 de noviembre de 2009


Cycling to avoid the flood
Tears can't be contained
by the river dam

The flood brought the rubbish,
we did not want to touch or smell,
As plastic bottles
float well in greasy tides...

Muddy Thoughts

Muddy Thoughts
Cycling through
your scattered brain

A wheel, a handlebar
No direction
No translation
To know
Who I am
Who you are

Eternal outcast of the spotless mind

Quien tuviera un corazón de diamante para olvidarte

Más afilado que ningún cuchillo, para rayar tu imagen

hasta destruirla y reconstruirme en tu olvido

Para no llorar más lágrimas amargas en tu recuerdo

ni repensar mil veces donde se torció el camino